Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy for Students
In order to create a safe learning environment to ensure academic success, the parents, students and the school must work together. Supporting our students’ behavioural, social, and academic progress is critical to their success. There are a few basic things that all adults must do to guarantee student achievement.
- Students should bring their handbooks daily to the school.
- Students should speak in English in order to maintain suitable level of spoken English.
- Care must be taken of all the school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks and chairs or damage any school properties. They should refrain from drawing or writing anything on the walls of their classrooms. A penalty of Rs.1000/- along with the cost of the item is levied in case of damage of the school property.
- Lending and borrowing money or other articles are not permitted. Also, students are not allowed to carry cash without a proper note from parents for purchase from school store etc.
- Punctuality is essential at all times.
- Chewing gum is strictly prohibited in the school.
- Bringing cell phones and other electronic gadgets by the student is banned in school premises. Cell phones or any electronic items will be confiscated, if found in possession of the students and a fine of Rs. 10,000/- will be imposed; unless permitted by a school authority to bring.
- Students are not allowed to bring any sharp objects or instruments to the School.
- Students should observe polite standards wherever they go. Bullying and usage of foul language are punishable offences.
- Student’s behaviour reflects school’s philosophy. They are therefore expected to be well behaved and courteous at all times, showing sensitivity and respect to one and all.
- Carrying things like cosmetics, deo, perfumes, accessories, carbonated drinks etc. are not permitted.
- Wearing ornaments of gold or any other valuable metal are prohibited.
- Coming late to the school is not allowed without prior permission from the school authorities.
- Every child should use (Leave record) in case of I- or 2-day leaves. For more than 3 days leave, a proper application must be sent, addressed to the Principal.
- Students must be dressed in school uniform as prescribed by the school.
- All students should be appropriately and neatly dressed for the school.
- Students should wear their identity cards daily.
- Girls; Use white /black hair bands, ribbons, hair clips and rubber bands as specified in the instructions on school’s website. Girls with long hair need to tie two knotted plaits.
- Boys: Hair should be trimmed regularly in the form of military cut (for Non-Sikh Boys). Parents are requested to discourage their children from getting fancy haircuts or using hair colours.
- Accessories: Students are not permitted to wear any kind of valuable jewellery, accessories, tattoo, mehandi or nail polish, etc to the school. The school shall not be responsible for loss of any expensive accessories/mobile/jewellery, etc.
- Kindly carry Parent ID card along withyou whenever visiting the school and picking up your ward from the bus.
- Students should wear white socks and black shoes in pre-primary section and navy-blue socks and black shoes in primary, secondary and IGCSE sections.
- White socks and white canvas/sports shoes are to be worn with sports uniform in all the sections.
- Boys are not supposed to wear ear rings, Girls can wear small, inexpensive decent ones. No precious metals/gems/stones allowed.
Rules for the Children using School Bus:
- Obey bus staff and seniors. Never board into or alight from the moving bus.
- School bus should be kept clean.
- Eating while travelling in the bus is prohibited.
- Moving and walking inside a moving bus can be dangerous, avoid the same.
- Stay seated all the while except while boarding and alighting.
- Do not disturb the driver/cleaner and others while the bus is moving.
- Maintaining civilized behaviour is mandatory.
- Avoid throwing anything in the bus or outside the bus.
- Be helpful and caring towards your juniors,
- Help to keep the bus clean.
- The students should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
- They should always follow the instructions given by the bus staff for any purpose.
- Use Civilized language at all times.
In the Library:
- All the students must move in a queue while entering and leaving the library.
- Silence has to be maintained at all times.
- Students found damaging the books will be penalized.
- Books issued need to be returned by the due date or else a fine will be levied.
- Books, lost or damaged, while in the custody of the student must be paid for or replaced.
- Before a student issues a book, he/she must report any imperfection found in the books to the librarian to avoid any unnecessary penalties.
- Only academics activities will be carried out in the library.
- Eating and drinking are not allowed in the library or any labs.
- Playing unnecessary movements/running in the library are strictly prohibited
Discipline Policy Violation and consequences
Minor Violation |
Consequences |
Running in the building |
The above infractions may be handled by the classroom/resource teacher following his or her grade level behaviour plan. Each classroom will have a classroom plan including rewards and consequences. Consequences may vary by grade level but should include a phone call to parents |
Minor Violation |
Consequences |
Fighting |
Written work/In school suspension |
Bullying |
Taking away privileges/Out School Suspension |
Disrespect to or defiance of staff |
Extra work around school |